Heal Your Wounds So You Can Raise Your Children Well

Therapy For Parents

As a parent you may be feeling frustrated and exhausted without the answers to create the optimal environment to raise your kids. You may be wondering why being a parent can often bring the worst out of you. You may even find yourself doing the very things you told yourself you would never do with your kids such as yelling, criticizing, and avoiding.

I am currently raising two teenage children with my wife of 20 plus years and although it is going well now it has not always been so. Bottom line is that we were all wounded as children ourselves. If you don’t heal those wounds, they will undermine your parenting efforts. The great news is your children can be the best source of understanding what needs healing.

I am passionate about partnering with parents as a therapist to heal their deep core childhood wounds that cause the inner turmoil. These wounds are usually at the root of the stress, frustration, and anxiety parents feel. Past wounds can trigger reactive emotional behaviors that hi-jack parenting efforts. Children don’t need perfection from their parents, they need parents committed to finding their own healing and sustained mental wellbeing.
My goal is to create a safe non-judgmental place for you to bring your hurts and frustrations into therapy where you feel truly seen and understood. With me, you will experience empathy, validation and deep insight so you feel safe to heal. You don’t have to repeat history with your kids. I’m here to walk with you, and to help you on this challenging and yet sacred journey of being a parent.
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Haven Heart Psychotherapy